live music from barquisimeto
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Expresion Larense
For Booking Info. Contact:
Giovanny Veliz:
(0058) 0414 530 2694
(0058) 0251 253 8248

Giovanny Veliz
Geovanny Veliz (hijo)
Altidro Jacobo Alvarez
José Vizcaya
Oswaldo Linares

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expresion larense
       The group Expresion Larense are dedicated lovers of "música Larense" (music from from Lara state) and typical representatives of the musical capital of Venezuela, Barquisameto. The sextet played a number of tunes for us in the gardens of the city's Medical College. This song "Golpe Tocuyano" by Tino Carrasco comes from the town Tocuyo, famed throughout the region for it's important contribution to Larense Music.
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1.Golpe Tocuyano (traditional) lyrics submit your comments here photos Play WMV Video Dvd Catalogue
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